Manganese (Mn) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, as well as for maintaining metabolic functions in many plant cell compartments.Photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen absorption, pollen germination, pollen tube expansion, root cell elongation, and root disease resistance are all biological systems in plants that utilise it. In plants, Mn is one of the 17th essential elements for the growth and reproduction. It is needed in small quantities by plants but it is ultimately as critical to growth as are the other nutrients.Manganese is a necessary cofactor for the photosynthetic machinery's Oxygen- Evolving Complex (OEC), which catalyses the water splitting mechanism in photosystems.It is a water soluble nutrient that boost your plant growth.
• At first, appear on the young or old leaves
• Low fertility of soil.
• Abnormal metabolism.
• Slow growth of plants.
• Stunted plant growth.
• Similar to iron deficiency, interveinal chlorosis on the young leaves.
• plant growth has slowed.
• Its deficiency is common in alkaline soil (high pH level).
• Net like pattern appear on the leaves.
• Burning of older leaf tips and margins, or reddish-brown patches over older leaves.
• Some crops which are sensitive to manganese deficiency are: corn, cotton, oats, potatoes, soybean, sugar beets, wheat, dry bean, citrus and peach.
Green planet is going to launch a new product i.e. GP Manganese EDTA 12% which has many benefits in plant.
• Manganese is responsible for the activation of most of the plant’s enzyme that are required for plant growth and protein synthesis.
• It is multipurpose product as it can be used both in hydroponics and aeroponics, agriculture as well as applied in soil.
• Manganese is mobile and therefore used by many parts of the plants.
• It helps the plant to absorb nutrients from the roots.
• Manganese is highly water soluble and it is suitable for soil or foliar application.
• Crops can quickly take chelated manganese since they require low energy for absorbing the chelated nutrients.
• Mostly enzymes in plant cells are required manganese for the proper growth of the plant.
• Thus, manganese plays an important role in the crop development and thus increase crop yield.
DOSAGE: 0.5 -1 gms/L of water.