Overweight is the number one nutritional disorder in the developing world. Excess weight diminishes almost every aspect of the health. Overweight increases the risk of several deadly diseases such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, depression, joint/bone pain and also leads to premature death. Fatness decreases the quality and length of the life and is directly associated with various cardiovascular risk factors.
There are many treatment options for those who are overweight. The most obvious of the treatment options are to reduce the caloric intake to below that of energy expenditure. Simply eating less may be difficult or impossible for some patients. None of these methods guarantee sustained weight loss.
Green Tea is the most popular and tasty beverage but its benefits go beyond refreshment. Plenty of research showing that drinking tea can actually improve health by reducing or burning excess fat from the body. It is sparking tremendous excitement as new health application around the globe and is used to boost the metabolic rate.
Habitual green tea consumption has long been associated with health benefits including chemoprevention and cardiovascular protection.
Knowing all the benefits of green tea “GREEN PLANET” is introducing “GREEN TEA ” with different taste and aroma.
GREEN TEA contain a unique mixture of :-
- Oxalis corniculata.
- Garcinia pendunculata.
- Cassia angustifolia.
- Operculina turpethum.
- Black Oolong Tea.
- Stevia rebaudiana.
- Silver Tips.
There are various Benefits of GREEN TEA
- Body detoxification.
- Boost metabolism.
- Stabilise blood sugar levels.
- Disease fighting .
- Reduce stress.
- Prevent cardiovascular diseases.
- Improve overall health.
Combining slimming tea dip to fit with appropriate diet and exercise yields the best results.
Overweight is the number one nutritional disorder in the developing world. Excess weight diminishes almost every aspect of the health. Overweight increases the risk of several deadly diseases such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, depression, joint/bone pain and also leads to premature death. Fatness decreases the qual
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