The liver is the greatest internal organ of the body and plays different functions including removing harmful waste products, formation of blood, energy storage, indigestion(dyspepsia), jaundice, loss of appetite. It also stimulates the immune system.
Symptoms of liver diseases:
- Abdominal pain and swelling
- Itchy skin
- Dark urine colour
- Jaundice (Skin and eyes that appear yellowish)
- Chronic fatigue
- Nausea or vomiting
- Swelling in legs and ankle
- Fatty Liver: There are two main types:
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Alcoholic fatty liver disease
Non-alcoholic: Liver disease that is not related to heavy alcohol use.
Alcoholic: Disease is due to heavy alcohol use.
- Jaundice: It is a disease in which the skin and eyes turns yellow. Yellow colour is caused by high level of bilirubin.
- Cirrhosis: It is disease in which liver does not function properly. It is caused by alcohol, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases.
- Gilbert’s Syndrome: It is genetic disorder in which liver does not properly process a substances (Bilirubin).
- Livomine liver tonic promote liver functions and health.
- It Detoxify the liver.
- Health boosting tonic.
- Ability to boost the immune system.
- Stimulate the growth of new liver cells.
- Improve blood flow from the liver.
- Helps in proper secretion of enzymes.
- Reduction in blood sugar levels.
Dosage :
Childrens :5ml twice a day.
Adults :10ml twice a day.
During pregnancy (consult your doctor).
The liver is the greatest internal organ of the body and plays different functions including removing harmful waste products, formation of blood, energy storage, indigestion(dyspepsia), jaundice, loss of appetite. It also stimulates the immune system.
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