Brinjal Overview

  • Brinjal is a member of the Solanaceae family with the scientific name Solanum melongena.
  • It is planted in the months of June to July for the autumn crop and in November for the spring-summer crop in April.
  • Its fruit is nutrient-dense and typically eaten as a vegetable.
  • Traditional medicine uses the fruit and other components of the plant.

Brinjal Cultivation Requirements

  • • Soil: All types of soil, varying from light sandy to heavy clay.
  • • pH: 5.5 to 6.6.
  • • Temperature: 13°C - 21°C.
  • • Rainfall: Annual rainfall between 600-1000 mm.
  • • Cultivation: The seedlings are ready in 4-5 weeks for transplanting when they reach a height of 12-15 cm with 3 to 4 leaves.
  • • Susceptibility: Brinjal cannot tolerate frost weather.

Irrigation Guidelines

  • Water the field according to the crop's requirements.
  • Timely irrigation is critical for healthy growth, flowering, fruit set, and fruit development.
  • Maintaining the right moisture level and soil fertility enhances yield.
  • In plains, irrigation should be given every 3rd to 4th day in summer and every 7th to 12th day in winter.
  • If there is no rain, irrigation should be provided before top dressing.
  • During cold days, irrigate the brinjal field regularly to keep the soil moist.

For Irrigation

Irrigate your field using Power Plant Bhoomi Power, Premium, and Root Guard.

Product Dosage Image
Bhoomi Power 4 KG/ACRE Bhoomi Power
Power Plant Premium 1 LITRE/ ACRE Premium
Root Guard 2 KG/ACRE Root Guard

How to Use It?

  • By broadcasting over the field.
  • Use in slurry.
  • Mix with cow dung.
  • Apply in dry soil.

Note: Repeat Bhoomi Power and Root Guard every 3 months.


Nursery Bed Preparation & Seedling Growth

  • A 3 m long, 1.0 m wide, and 0.15 m high block is being prepared. If the nursery beds haven’t been treated yet.
  • Plant the seeds 1 cm deep and 5 cm apart in rows. Cover the seeds with well-rotted manure and fine soil mixture and gently push them down.
  • The wheat husk or clean dry grass can be used to cover the beds.
  • After the seeds have germinated, remove the water husk or dry grass.
  • Because of the cold temperatures in November and January, seed germination and plant growth in the nursery is slow.
  • When the seedlings reach a height of 12-15 cm and have 3-to-4 leaves, they are suitable for transplantation in 4-5 weeks.

Nutrient Deficiencies and Treatments

1. Deficiency of Nitrogen

Symptoms include poor plant growth and pale green or yellow leaves due to insufficient chlorophyll production.



2-3 ml per litre of water


0.5 ml per litre of water

2. Deficiency of Potassium

Symptoms include wilted or drooping plants, short internodes, and inhibited growth of younger leaves with small leaf blades.



2-3 ml per litre of water


0.5 ml per litre of water

3. Deficiency of Magnesium

The first signs appear on the older lower leaves as magnesium moves towards new growth.



2-3 ml per litre of water

Use Grow

2 ml per litre of water

4. Deficiency of Boron

  • Growing points die and leaves appear distorted.
  • May cause hollow stem and internal browning in cauliflower, beets, and turnips.



2 ml per litre of water


Fungal Diseases: Contact-Based

1. Anthracnose (Colletotrichum)


Product Dosage Image
PPFC 2-3 gm per litre of water
SpAll90 0.5 ml per litre of water

2. Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum)


Product Dosage Image
PPFC 2-3 gm per litre of water
SpAll90 0.5 ml per litre of water